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Diabetic Mommy's
Type 2 Diabetes
Weight Loss Adventure!

type 2 diabetes weight loss before picture type 2 diabetes weight loss before picture type 2 diabetes weight loss before picture

On these pages I will document my journey to lose weight, particularly my excessive intra-abdominal visceral fat, as a woman with type 2 diabetes.

My great desire is to accomplish this and motivate others with my story. I would also like to hear stories from other type 2's who have had successful weight loss and use their stories to inspire others.

If you would like to join me and others as we strive to lose weight together, join us at the SparkPeople.com site. Here is my SparkPeople Page.

Latest Additions & News:

Aug 13, 2007 - I got stalled for a YEAR! I hurt my back and one morning took a bad fall. I got a head contusion and have post concussive syndrome. I was told to take it easy for months. So I did and then my neck and back froze! I have been going to a chiropractor and can now move my head and neck - HOORAY!! So I will be getting back into this adventure. I am now using Dance Dance Revolution, and loving it. This week my sister had a major surgery and I am helping her. I may not get to do an update immediately, but I will update as soon as I can. Thank you for your patience!!!!!

Aug 11, 2006 - New Journal Entry - persevering in spite of obstacles. My mind is on the prize.

July 26, 2006 - New Journal Entry - a big change I've noticed. Updated Progress (no change).

July 20, 2006 - New Journal Entry - Priorities and Patience and I've included a link to my Workout/Training Schedule and Log in Word in my Plan



Type 2 Diabetes Weight Loss

June 2006 Journal Entries
July 2006 Journal Entries
August 2006 Journal Entries

My Inspiration Page & Random Notes to Myself

Interesting Studies, Articles, & Links

My Progress


My Exercise/Diet Plan & More Goals

Send Me Your Story!

About Me: I am a mom with type 2 diabetes in my late 30's and I'm sick and tired of being overweight. I am also the editor of this website.

My Goals: I used to weigh close to 280 pounds and am starting here at 200 pounds. I want to get to 150 pounds.

I have set a series of small goals and have rewards promised by my hubby. (I have a feeling he thinks he won't have to pay up)

  1. 190 pounds - Portable DVD Player or Garmin Forerunner personal GPS with heart-rate monitor
  2. 180 pounds - Romantic Dinner at Expensive Restaurant
  3. 170 pounds - Day Spa - 4hrs
  4. 160 pounds - Day Spa - 6hrs
  5. 150 pounds - Day Spa - 6hrs with Sister






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This is not a health care site. The editor is not a health care professional, is not qualified, and does not give medical or mental health advice.

Please consult with qualified professionals in order to find the right regimen and treatment for you. Do not make changes without consulting your health care team. .

Because this site is for all diabetics at all stages of life, some information may not be appropriate for you - remember information may be different for type 1, type 2, type 1.5, and gestational diabetics.

Articles submitted by other authors represent their own views, not necessarily the editor's.

The editor and contributing writers cannot be held responsible in any shape or form for your physical or mental health or that of your child or children. They cannot be held responsible for how any of the information on this site or associated sites affects your life.

The community associated with this site is a sort of self-help support group. Advice or information shared is personal and possibly not optimal for you. It is up to you to use this information as you see fit in conjunction with your medical care team. The results are your own responsibility. Other members or the editor or contributors cannot be held responsible.

Elizabeth "Bjay" Woolley, Editor & Webmaster
Graphics from: Absolutely Free Clipart and Cool Clips
Content copyright © 2001,2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 all rights reserved,
Elizabeth Woolley
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