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Kristy Blume's Birth Story (Gabriel born 01/29/2002)
By Kristy Blume, Mommy of Blake and Gabriel, Wife of Josh

After five years of waiting, Kristy, Josh and Blake welcome little Gabriel into their hearts.

I went into the hospital and at 10:10 in the morning they broke my water. It did not hurt at all. I was already dilated to 4 cm. I was not having any real contractions, so at noon they started me on Pitocin (to induce labor). It did not hurt but I started to get uncomfortable, so at 1:00 in the afternoon. I got the epidural. I was so scared because I thought it was going to hurt very badly - but it didn't! However, I do not think that I will ever get an epidural again because I was so scared being numb. I couldn't feel my legs or bottom. I was doing kegel exercises to make sure I would be able to push.

After 5:00 I asked them to turn the epidural down because I wanted to be able to feel myself. It was weird. Around 6:00 I couldn't feel anything except pain inside my vagina when I had a contraction. I can't explain why. Around 6:40 I started pushing, and he was here at 7:37 in the evening!

He was so beautiful and perfect! He wasn't dirty at all - just a little vernix on his back. He had a full head of black hair and brown eyes. He weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces and was 19 inches long. His apgars were 9 and 9. Because I had diabetes they checked his blood glucose level and it was 47. They wanted it to be at least 50, so I started feeding him right then. It has been normal ever since.

He is such a good baby. Gabriel is the perfect baby in every way. He barely cries and sleeps very well. Sometimes when he wakes up he just lies in bed and coos. It is so cute! Big brother Blake just adores him. Josh and I waited over five years for Gabriel.

My message for diabetic moms is to keep the faith and stay on your diet. You can do it!

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Please consult with qualified professionals in order to find the right regimen and treatment for you. Do not make changes without consulting your health care team. .

Because this site is for all diabetics at all stages of life, some information may not be appropriate for you - remember information may be different for type 1, type 2, type 1.5, and gestational diabetics.

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Elizabeth "Bjay" Woolley, Editor & Webmaster
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