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Sarah's birth story (Baby Evelyn)
By Sarah (lappa1)

Sarah is a type 1 diabetic from the United Kingdom.
She had a great pregnancy with no complications,
but did have some excitement at delivery.
Baby Evelyn was born by C-section.
This beautiful girl has changed her mama's life.

Evelyn arrived on October 1, 2004 at 4:02 am.
She was three weeks early and weighed 5 pounds 9 ounces.

It all began at my 36-week appointment. The consultant told me that a diabetic placenta deteriorates sooner than a non-diabetic one. I was told that going to 40 weeks would be like a non-diabetic going to 42 weeks. They wanted to induce me at 38 weeks. I was a bit miffed that they hadn't mentioned this before. I was concerned about being induced as I had the impression it increased the chances of having to have a c-section.

The midwife at my parent craft classes suggested I try some old fashioned ways to encourage labour myself. Once I reached 37 weeks, she recommended fresh pineapple, sex, curry, raspberry leaf tea/tablets. So 37 weeks to the day I purchased the pineapple and the raspberry leaf capsules. The packet said take 1 or 2 three times a day.

I took one tablet at about 4 pm and about an hour later I started to feel sick. I checked my blood and I had gone low so I sipped orange juice. The juice didn't help, my blood sugar stayed low, and I just felt more and more sick and full of juice! By 7 pm I thought I ought to have something to eat, but my blood sugar was still low. I was too scared to take more insulin. I felt so sick I couldn't stomach much food. I nibbled some toast and fell asleep. When I woke an hour later I expected my blood sugar to be high (after the toast and no insulin) but it was still low and the queasiness was worse. I hadn't been sick at all throughout my pregnancy, so I was worried.

I called the hospital and whilst I was explaining everything to the midwife, I finally vomited. I felt a bit better after that and she told me to try and eat again and call her back in an hour. I tried to eat, but the queasiness came back. I vomited again and the midwife told me to go in so they could monitor me.

I got to the hospital at 11 pm. They settled me in and hooked baby up to a heart rate monitor. My partner went home so we could all get some rest for the night - or so we thought.

They checked the heart rate monitor frequently and quizzed me about contractions. I had a bit of backache but nothing strong. Evelyn's heart rate was dropping and the doctor was getting concerned. I felt absolutely awful. I thought I was going to lose her.

They examined me and I was 3 cm dilated. The doctor decided neither Evelyn nor I was up to a labour. He decided to deliver her by c-section right away. They called the team together and rang my partner at home at about 2:30 am. They wheeled me into theatre at 3:30 am. Evelyn was born at 4:02 am.

The half an hour from when they took the monitor off her, until I heard her cry was the longest and worst of my life. All I could think was 'Please God, let her be ok?' When I heard her cry I was so relieved. When they brought her around the curtain to show me she was all wrapped up and her beautiful big blue eyes were peering out at me - I will never forget it. She didn't look phased at all. She is still really chilled out - she can't see what all the fuss was about!

We have been really lucky. She has been with me ever since. Her blood sugar remained stable so she didn't have to go to special care. My stitches healed fine. My blood sugar has since been stable.

I breastfed for 3 weeks. We struggled--but that is another story.

She is 4 weeks old now and my life has changed so much. I love being a mom!

Thanks for taking the time to read our story.


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Please consult with qualified professionals in order to find the right regimen and treatment for you. Do not make changes without consulting your health care team. .

Because this site is for all diabetics at all stages of life, some information may not be appropriate for you - remember information may be different for type 1, type 2, type 1.5, and gestational diabetics.

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Elizabeth "Bjay" Woolley, Editor & Webmaster
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