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Diabetic Mommies Ask:

Started July 2004

This page is for my members and I to post questions that can hang 24/7 cyberspace. Our hope is that someone with the right answer will come along and either provide the answer or point us in the right direction.

If you have an answer please contact me via the Feedback page. Let me know where you got the answer so I can document and/or double check to make sure I'm publishing accurate information. You can provide me with your real name or an alias if you want. If you are a health care professional and have taken the time to answer, I can provide a link or information about your practice or research, etc.

QUESTION: (DiabeticMommy, Type 2)When I got pregnant, I was not very talented at controlling my blood glucose and glucose monitoring was not a habit. When I got pregnant I took to monitoring well, and was successful with it. I hoped to continue with tight control. However, for some reason maintaining tight control after pregnancy was extremely difficult. So, I was left with the loose goals for diabetics who are not pregnant. This is not working very well for me. I would rather test often trying for the goals of nonpregnant diabetics. However, I do not know what those goals would be for fasting and after meals. I think I would do much better if I had these numbers and could test often again. I think that was the greatest help in getting into tight control and now I feel I don't have the correct information to keep doing it (with more realistic goals for myself).

ANSWER: Yeah! I got part of the answer from HappyMamaTo3. She provided the following link: http://www.diabetes.org/type-2-diabetes/tight-control.jsp to the ADA's page which says 90 - 130 mg/dl before meals, and less than 180 two hours after starting a meal, and an HbA1c of less than 7 percent. Now we just need a fasting goal! Anyone know?

QUESTION: (Diabetic Mommy, Type 2) Where can we find clinical recommendations for standards of care for pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes?

ANSWER: Pending



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This is not a health care site. The editor is not a health care professional, is not qualified, and does not give medical or mental health advice.

Please consult with qualified professionals in order to find the right regimen and treatment for you. Do not make changes without consulting your health care team. .

Because this site is for all diabetics at all stages of life, some information may not be appropriate for you - remember information may be different for type 1, type 2, type 1.5, and gestational diabetics.

Articles submitted by other authors represent their own views, not necessarily the editor's.

The editor and contributing writers cannot be held responsible in any shape or form for your physical or mental health or that of your child or children. They cannot be held responsible for how any of the information on this site or associated sites affects your life.

The community associated with this site is a sort of self-help support group. Advice or information shared is personal and possibly not optimal for you. It is up to you to use this information as you see fit in conjunction with your medical care team. The results are your own responsibility. Other members or the editor or contributors cannot be held responsible.

Elizabeth "Bjay" Woolley, Editor & Webmaster
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Elizabeth Woolley
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